The Best Online Therapy Platform In Texas

Online Therapy Platforms in Texas

Did you know? Through the eyes of over 50+ mental health expert surveys like Forbes, Texas is ranked the worst state for mental health in the US. 

Even with social media ads and online campaigns, the awareness of online therapy platforms in the US continues to be limited in adults. Numerous mental health app programs have addressed the urgent attention to mental health. 

Yet, Texas’s glaring statistics show that a whopping 73.1% of adults refuse to seek help despite suffering from mental health disorders. 

The main cause? The two sides of financial burden:-

  • High cost of professional therapy
  • Lack of insurance to cover mental health disorders 

Harnessing the Power of Online Therapy Platforms 

The advent of online therapist free chat services has proven to dissipate the dire consequences of mental health. A Pocket-friendly therapy chat online saves Texas’s growing population from the clutches of:-  

  • Suicide or self-harm, affecting over 4153 lives in 2021. 
  • Inadequacy in mental health treatment centers in the nation (only 41.92 per 10,000 businesses).

The Best Online Therapy Platform  In Texas: An Ideal Choice Among Many 

There is no doubt about the efficacy of mental health apps in today’s world. However, there are a plethora of online therapy platforms that claim to treat mental disorders without any certification or actual evidence of their technique.

There is a dire need for ingenuity in online therapy free chat services; one that provides not only automation’s accessibility but also professional therapy at reasonable costs.

This is why, Talkthru’s hybrid health AI chatbot was meticulously built by a collective team of medical practitioners, therapists, engineers, and purpose-oriented experts, who believed there is a need for hybridity and versatility in the house of mental health. 

Talkthru targets the pain points of Texas’s declining mental health population with three features:-

  • Accessibility
  • Portability
  • Cost-effectiveness.
  1. Accessible

 Beyond the aspect of financial burden, nearly one-third of the US population omit therapy for reasons of intimidation, efforts of self-diagnosis, and overarching stigma. With an online therapist free chat service like Talkthru, one can easily access their friendly mental health guide right on their smartphone, and open up to their mental health friend, be it for a confidence boost, suggestions for mental health exercises, or a simple Talkthru.  

  1. Cost-effective:

 Among Online therapy platforms, Talkthru AI has proven to be the most cost-effective for Texas in providing hybrid services of therapy and chat completely free of cost; not only does it give you free therapy chat online with our trusted mental health experts, but also gives them free access to their own personalised health ai chatbot!

  1. Portable 

There are many underserved residential areas in Texas that may not get physical access to mental health services. Talkthru omits that problem by providing scientifically backed therapeutic services to individuals in remote or underserved areas. In the process, Talkthru’s online therapy app convenience becomes a boon to Texas’s residents who are just in need of a support system they can talk to. 

Can’t find a Licensed Therapist in Texas? Talkthru has you covered 

 Even in 2023, when it comes to mental health care access across the country, Texas continues to rank last. 

Talkthru understands the lack of mental health services in Texas with a rising demand for bettering the mental healthcare system and lack of awareness for online therapy platforms. Hence, it provides a helping hand to people who suffer in silence, with cognitive behavioural therapy 

Its treatment plan includes:

  1. Self-monitoring – Unlike other online therapy platforms, Talkthru allows users to keep track of their progress. 

Users can easily track their symptoms, moods, and behaviors over time, giving them a sense of control over their own health. Meanwhile, Talkthru works backend to slowly identify patterns, the manner of chats, and potential triggers, to finally generate the appropriate therapeutic techniques. 

This way, Talkthru’s online therapy free chat services will also provide valuable information to mental healthcare providers. 

  1. Privacy and safe space: Privacy is one of the biggest concerns for mental health patients. Talkthru’s mental health AI chatbot provides that security backing by being completely anonymous. Talkthru listens to you while keeping your chat confidential, without any judgement. 
  1. Being a friend: More than being a therapist, Talkthru uplifts patients’ moods with self-confidence visualization techniques and advanced mind boosters to elevate their self-esteem. 
  1. The Human Touch: Talkthru’s mental health AI chatbot uses deep reinforcement learning to emulate human warmth in interaction with patient, all the while suggesting performing clinical care provision, in the form of medication tips, self-visualising techniques, and prevention treatment working simultaneously. 

If users want to upgrade their therapy to a more human-based approach, they can always choose their preferred therapist from a range of options Talkthru offers in their dashboard. Every licensed therapist is only one text message away! It is that easy to book an online therapist free chat session. 

Texas’s final choice: Talkthru AI 

Texas no longer has to be the worst-hit mental health state in the US. Targeting mental health disorders with online therapy platforms like Talkthru has proven to significantly decrease the number of mental health issues. 

If a single free online therapy app like Talkthru promises free help to thousands of people, it is time Texas reaches out for that help and lets the thousands of suffering voices open up, and talk thru. 


Get excellent support from a licensed therapist, from the comfort of your home or while you’re on the go!
Download the TalkThru App!